About Jeanne Maree Iacono
Jeanne Maree Iacono

Books By:
Jeanne Maree Iacono
Death on the Moon
Seasons of Love
Mixed Medium and Metaphors: Agro-Arts
Goats In Pajamas
A Special Gift for Mother
A Trip To Oroville's Chinese Temple
A Trip To The Art Stands
Andrew Makes a Home for Trixie
Best Friends: A Lunch Box Treat
Sunday Morning Ride
Get Wise About Strangers
A Very Old Street
Where is My Ball: A Beginning Reader
The Cinnamon Bear Who Wanted To Sing
Butterflies in Your Garden Kit
Zebras Get Ready For Christmas
Coming Soon!
The Case of
Sarah's Disappearing Strawberries
and the new release of
Dock Walking
Jeanne Maree Iacono has an extensive background as a working artist including managing editor for an international children's publisher, writing specialist for a major California city department of parks and recreation and water department, a special section editor for a California regional newspaper, a freelance writer in the fields of photojournalism, children and adult fictional stories and non-fiction articles, editor for poetry journals, and a contributing author of over a hundred scientific biographies for Scientific Encyclopedia. Jeanne is also the author of over a dozen books.
In addition, Jeanne's professional background includes over 16 years of classroom teaching in reading and writing. She also holds a Masters Degree in Teaching Creative Writing to jr. college Native American students. Today Jeanne shares her expertise on writing with students through author fairs and through creative writing sessions.
Jeanne also works with adults at various levels of writing experience in community art centers and senior citizen centers conducting workshops in poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Through Lunada Press she has published poetry chapbooks highlighting work from members of her senior citizen writing workshops.
In addition, Jeanne has experience designing and promoting community programs for Earth Day, representing artists and promoting their work, marketing experience in promoting various businesses, as well as being owner of Lunada Press and publishing both fiction and non-fiction books.
Recently, Jeanne has been expanding her own creativity by expressing herself with mixed media exhibiting her photographic Agro-Art and poetry in community art galleries, bistros, and professional office lobbies.
Jeanne Maree Iacono is available for speaking engagements at schools (pre-school through jr. college) community groups, and other organizations as well as conferences.