Mixed Medium and Metaphors
Jeanne Maree Iacono
As its title explains this book is a visual and verbal presentation of the beauty of the rural landscape and small farms, specifically as found in Northern California. The artist/writer has captured both visually and in word the experience of the real place in the moment and shares this gift of nature with others.
From her artistic vision, Jeanne Maree Iacono mixes the arts thus evoking both the visual image and the written language to awaken deep emotional feelings from her readers.
Jeanne Maree Iacono has an extensive background as a working artist including
managing editor for an international children's publisher, writing specialist for a
major California city department of parks and recreation and water department, a
special section editor for a California regional newspaper, a freelance writer in
the fields of photojournalism, children and adult fictional stories and non-fiction
articles, editor for poetry journals, and a contributing author of over a hundred
scientific biographies for Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia
9th and 10th editions. Jeanne Maree is also the author of over a dozen books.
In addition, Jeanne Maree has experience developing community programs for Earth Day, representing artists, presenting and selling their work, and marketing experience in promoting various businesses. She is also the owner of Lunada Press, LLC publishing children and adult fiction and non-fiction books.
Recently, Jeanne Maree Iacono has been expanding her own creativity by expressing herself in photographic Agro-Art and exploring emotions with mixed media artwork.