Get Wise About Strangers
Jeanne Maree Iacono
Illustrated By Joann Slater
This book is in our line of interactive LEARN-ABOUT-BOOKS and engages young children as they learn about the important issue of personal safety. It is hoped this book will be a beginning for many parent/child discussions. Our children's safety is their right and our common responsibility.
About The Author:
Jeanne Maree Iacono is a teacher and an educational writing specialist who creates material for children. She has also been a managing editor for an international educational children’s publisher. She is a freelance writer in the fields of photojournalism and fiction for children and adults. Jeanne Maree is the contributing author of over a hundred scientific biographies for Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia 9th and 10th editions. She has had mystery stories published in Highlights for Children, and is the author of over a dozen children’s books